Voyageurs Return: First Round of Trips!

Tuesday afternoon, the camp peninsula was brought back to life as all of our wilderness trips trickled back into camp without incidence. Given the storms and wind we've seen in the past few days, the fact that everyone was in on-time was quite a feat. We have a tough, hardworking group of campers and an experienced staff, and they met the daily challenges of the elements with high spirits.

As campers and counselors cleaned up, their stories were coming out of the woodwork. As you can imagine, preteens and teens are excellent story tellers, particularly when it comes to embellishing tales of heroism and adventure.

I’ll cut right to what I suspect most parents, camp families and alums are actually reading this blog post for… the photos!

Yes, we took a LOT of photos this first round of trips, and if I'm allowed to brag a little, I believe these are some of the best trip photos we've seen at Camp Voyageur, period. Of course, we'll be looking to improve for the next round of trips, and we're always welcome to your feedback. Just email us with questions, suggestions or concerns.

We also captured a lot of video, and we'll be trying to put together a short preview of this first round of trips together. You may see some videos uploaded to the First Round Trips photo gallery in the days to come, but they require more time to process and upload than photos.

For those following the Girls' Trips, we have also uploaded all photos from their first trip to the photo gallery. Be sure to check them out!

I'll be working hard to catch up in the next few days. I apologize for the lack of content this past week, but I was on a trip of my own! For future trips, I'll be sure to give everyone a heads up on when trips are headed out and expected back. Thank you for your patience.


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